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History Books

Recommended Books List For History

Modern India
1.Modern India (NCERT) :Bipan Chandra
2.Modern India (Macmillan): Sumit Sarkar
3.Anatomy of the Raj (PPH): Suhash Chakravarty
4.The Raj Syndrome (Penguins): Suhash Chakravarty
5.VAID's Fundamentals of History Series
a.Administrative History :Pravin Kumar
b.Constitutional History: Pravin Kumar
c.Social History :Pravin Kumar
d.Freedom Struggle :Pravin Kumar
6.Peasant Movements in India :D.N. Dhanagare
7.India's Struggle for Independence: Bipan Chandra and others
8.Gandhi: B.R. Nanda
9.Gandhi: Judith Brown
10. Freedom Struggle (NbT): Bipan Chandra & others

Medieval India
1. Medieval India (NCERT) :Satish Chandra
2. Medieval India (Macmillan): Satish Chandra
3.The Wonder That was India (Vol.2): S.A.A. Rizvi
4.The Agrarian System of Mughal India 1556-1707: Irfan Habib
5.The Mughal Empire: J.F. Richards
6.Urban Dynamics: H.C. Verma
7.The Marathas: Gordon

Ancient India
1. Ancient India (NCERT): Prof. R.S. Sharma
2. The Wonder That was India: A.L. Basham
3. Ancient India - An Introductory Outline: D.N. Jha
4. History of India, Vol. I: Romila Thapar
5. Material culture & Social Formation in Ancient India: R.S. Sharma
6. Indian Feudalism: R.S. Sharma
7. Ashoka & Decline of the Maurya: Romila Thapar
8. A History of South India: K.A. Nilkantha Sastri

World History
1.The story of Civilization, Vol. 2 (NCERT) : Arjun Dev
2.Contemporary World History (NCERT): Arjun Dev & others
3.The Mainstream of Civilization: Strayer, Gatzke & Harbison
4.Western Civilizations: Burns & others
5.Industry & Empire: E.J. Hobsbawm
6.Age of Revolution :E.J. Hobsbawm
7.Age of Capital: E.J. Hobsbawm
8.Age of Empires: E.J. Hobsbawm
9.Social basis of Democracy & Dictatorship: B.J. Moore
10.Europe Since Napoleon: David Thompson
11.Europe Since 1815: W.C. Craig
12.Europe Since 1870: James Joll.

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